Volley: Cache Image Loader

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There are cases when you need to clean your memory. In Volley Request Manager I used fields to save cache references. There is more practical solution, just create a wrapper for ImageLoader :


CacheImageLoader loader = ... // init loader

loader.getMemoryCache().remove(url); // remove item by key
loader.getMemoryCache().evictAll(); // remove all

loader.getDiskCache().remove(url); // remove item by key
loader.getDiskCache().clear(); // remove all

Wrapper sources :

public class CacheImageLoader extends ImageLoader {

     * Constructs a new ImageLoader.
     * @param queue      The RequestQueue to use for making image requests.
     * @param imageCache The cache to use as an L1 cache.

    private final MemoryCache mMemoryCache;
    private final Cache mDiskCache;

    public CacheImageLoader(RequestQueue queue, MemoryCache memoryCache) {
        super(queue, memoryCache);
        mMemoryCache = memoryCache;
        mDiskCache = queue.getCache();

    public MemoryCache getMemoryCache() {
        return mMemoryCache;
    public Cache getDiskCache() {
        return mDiskCache;